TTC Season 5
Denny just returned from Ireland, so Episode 130 is devoted to exploring the Ireland craft beer experience around the country...and the craft beer scene is pretty awesome. We also announce the winner of the 3rd set of BCUPs given away. Plus a lot of random beer conversation. So grab a beer and enjoy the show!
In Episode 129 we discuss some craft beer news articles surrounding some production growth and struggles as the craft beer market expands. We discuss an article about how the craft beer community supports their own in times of need. Plus a lot of random beer conversation. So grab a beer and enjoy the show!
In Episode 128 Denny’s daughter joins the show to talk about her craft beer journey and help us dive into her favorite beer style...the American Brown Ale. We review BJCP style guidelines for the American Brown Ale and highlight why we love this style. We also discuss an article concerning some new regulations in New Jersey affecting the craft beer industry in that state. So grab a beer and enjoy the show!
Summer has arrived, and in Episode 127 we discuss some beer styles to help you stay hydrated and quench that thirst from all those fun activities in the sun. There’s also lots of random beer conversation too, helping to extend the show to 2 hours for all those enjoying a longer show. So grab a beer and enjoy the show!
There is a buzz around the craft beer world with the news of Boston Beer and Dogfish Head merging. In Episode 126 we discuss the news release and provide some insight on what this might signal for the craft beer industry and these two companies. We also dive into a brief history of both these breweries. Lots of beer conversation too that helps extend the show to 2 hours for all those enjoying a longer show. So grab a beer and enjoy the show!
In Episode 125 we discuss the Brut IPA...the latest IPA style that emerged just over a year ago. Find out about the history and the newly printed style guidelines from the American Homebrewers Association via Zymurgy Magazine. Will this new style be a limited fad, or will it evolve into the hype level of the hazy New England style? So grab a beer and enjoy the show!
It’s starting to warm up so why not refresh yourself with some Berliner Weisse style beers? In Episode 124 we discuss the BJCP style guidelines for this wonderful tart or slightly sour German wheat beer. We also discuss a couple news articles and maybe one of us invests in a growing brewery live on air. Kris and Denny have some great conversation for nearly a two hour episode. So grab a beer and enjoy the show!
In Episode 123 we discuss a couple articles that show that things in the craft beer world are changing...good for some, and not so good for others. Kris and Denny have some great conversation for nearly a two hour show. So grab a beer and enjoy the show!
John joins us in Episode 122 and despite facing technical difficulties we press on to chat about beer and discuss a few craft beer articles provided by our listeners. So grab a beer and enjoy the show!
In Episode 121 we expound on the topic of flagship beers and their importance in the craft beer world. We didn’t give The Gnarly Gnomes voicemail question enough love in the last episode, so we make up for it now. So grab a beer and enjoy the show!
Winter is in full season so in Episode 120 we discuss some winter IPAs you might want to try. Find out what makes an IPA a winter style IPA. We also announce the winner of our 2nd BCup contest, So grab a beer and enjoy the show!
It’s Valentine’s Day so Episode 119 is focused on craft beers you might want to drink on this day, whether you’re a star-crossed lover or bitter to love. We reveal must try chocolate stouts, IPAs and styles in between so you are guaranteed to find something worth trying. So grab a beer and enjoy the show!
It’s Episode 118 and Denny takes on the topic of the Schwarzbier with the BJCP style guidelines and some great examples for you to try. He’s going solo this episode so it’s a little shorter than usual, but he still has some great beer conversation. So grab a beer and enjoy the show!
In Episode 117 we find out what the deal is with the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau and whether or not the government shutdown is really wrecking the craft beer industry. John joins us and provides an update on Trek Brewing and some insight on his experiences with the Tax and Trade Bureau. Plus we check out our 2018 Year In Beer check-in summary from Untappd. So grab a beer and enjoy the show!
It’s a new year and Episode 116 is the first show of the year and Kris brought his friend Tina to help us celebrate. She brings some great energy to the show and gives us a peek into her craft beer journey. We also give our craft beer predictions for 2019 and even a couple craft beer resolutions for 2019. So grab a beer and enjoy the show!
It’s our last show of 2018, so in Episode 115 Kris and Denny reveal their top 5 beers of the year in the hoppy, dark and other style categories. These are beers you must try if you can get them in your area. So grab a beer and enjoy the show!
It’s Episode 114 and we are here to help you find the perfect gift for your craft beer lover. We have a full house with Denny, John and Kris with lots of craft beer talk. Get the latest update for Trek Brewing and find out who won the Trek Brewing name that beer contest. So grab a beer and enjoy the show!
Happy Thanksgiving! It’s Episode 113 and we have brought you a show full of great ideas to help you enjoy beer during your Thanksgiving holiday weekend. We have beer infused recipes, beer and food pairings and Thanksgiving food inspired beers to talk about and share with you. So grab a beer and enjoy the show!
In Episode 112 we invite our wives to join us on the show to talk about their craft beer journeys. Get a little insight on how the ladies of Tap the Craft got started with craft beer and how their tastes evolved (and even shifted 180 degrees) over the years. Check out our recommendation for a Netflix documentary using science to prove and debunk common alcohol myths. We also announce the winner of the B Cups contest. So grab a beer and enjoy the show!
Join Kris and Denny for Episode 111 where we review a couple articles provided by our listeners. Is beer in jeopardy in the future due to climate change? Will Lagunitas Brewing survive the economic turmoil of late? Do you want to learn about pairing halloween candy with craft beer? Well we have just what you need...answers to all these questions. Don’t forget to leave a voicemail to be entered into our latest contest to win a set of four B Cups. So grab a beer and enjoy the show!
It’s Episode 110 and Kris McKenzie is once again joining Denny to help host the show while John tends bar at Trek Brewing. In this episode we dive into the nuances of three british ales that are so similar to one another that most people don’t know which they are drinking. Find out the differences between the strong ale, old ale and barleywine. So grab a beer and enjoy the show!
It’s that time of year again...yes, we discuss the 2018 Great American Beer Festival in Episode 109. We have Kris McKenzie once again joining Denny to help host the show while John tends bar at Trek Brewing. So grab a beer and enjoy the show!
In Episode 108 Kris McKenzie joins Denny to talk about Blonde Ales and to catch up on his beer adventures. Sometimes blonde ales don’t get the attention of other more popular styles, but in this episode we will get you excited to order up that blonde ale during your next brewery visit. So grab a beer and enjoy the show!
Denny’s back in country and he has some tales to tell on Episode 107. Find out what new beer adventures were experienced in Israel and a couple must visit beer places. We also received our review samples of the Arcadia Motorhead Road Crew IPA…so we provide our tasting notes of this mad metal collaboration. So grab a beer and enjoy the show!
It’s Episode 106 and we dive into a summer treat discussing an article listing 8 must drink Radlers during the warmer days of summer. We also discuss a few extra great Radlers we enjoy that were not on the list. So grab a beer and enjoy the show!
Episode 105 kicks off season 5 with a little education on the English Bitters and how they differ from the English IPA. So grab a beer and enjoy the show!