TTC Season 4
It’s Episode 104 and can you believe we just finished four years of the show?! And what better way to celebrate than with a meetup event at Trek Brewing! So this show is all about the event and Denny’s vacation adventures. We talk about a lot of different beers found on the East Coast. So grab a beer and enjoy the show!
It’s Episode 103 and we take on a few listener questions...some from the last episode, some from beer articles and one from a listener looking into home brewing equipment advice. Denny also talks about his beer adventures in Las Vegas and talks about his first glitter beer experience. So grab a beer and enjoy the show!
It’s Episode 102 and the format is a little different...but hopefully it works. Denny is solo and talks about the beer trends seen in the first third of 2018 according to the Brewers Association. He also talks about a new music collaboration beer release between Arcadia Brewing and MOTORHEAD called Road Crew IPA. It’s another short show this week. So grab a beer and enjoy the show!
In episode 101 we take on the juicy or hazy beer style according to the new additions to the Brewers Association 2018 style guidelines. We keep on track and put out a short show this week. So grab a beer and enjoy the show!
In episode 100 we celebrate by inviting a couple friends and talking about German Pilsner style guidelines, as well as do tasting notes with the North Coast Scrimshaw pilsner. Denny finishes his review of Tavour and we reminisce over the past 99 episodes. See if our favorite and wishlist beers hold up over two years. So grab a beer and enjoy the show!
In episode 99 we take a look at a lesser known German beer style called Altbier. Why talk about this style? Because Denny found a really good one and wants to talk about the style and encourage our listener to check out the style for themselves. We also discuss an article listing the top 50 new breweries to open in the last year and find out which two of Denny’s favorites made the list. And let us know if any of the breweries on the list are your favorites too! So grab a beer and enjoy the show!
In episode 98 we take a look at a Utah brewery that was resurrected from the ashes 50 years after the last beer was poured. Denny visited A. Fisher Brewing in Salt Lake City and was not only impressed with the great flavorful beer, but also the nostalgia of the brand. So grab a beer and enjoy the show!
There’s a new beer fad out there causing a mesmerizing enchantment on craft beer lovers across the nation. In episode 97, John and Denny talk glitter beer and how it’s unique ingredient can win over even the burliest of beer drinkers. We also discuss the fall of Green Flash Brewing and some misleading beer labels. So grab a beer and enjoy the show!
John and Denny talk beer and get caught up on the opening of Trek Brewing. We also talk about the Boise Treefort Music Festival and more importantly the Alefort Beer Festival. So grab a beer and enjoy!
Have you tried everything your local area has to offer? Well join Denny and Kris in Ep95 where we talk all about beer trading. Find out the ins and outs of the practice and some tricks of the trade. Discover the trials and tribulations of navigating the Tampa Beer Week this year...maybe you don’t want to come this week. So grab a beer and enjoy!
It’s winter time and the air is cold, so why not warm yourself up with a unique lager called the Baltic Porter. In Episode 94 we discuss the Baltic Porter style, as well as talk about a few noteworthy beers of the style you can try. Find out what a “Can Jam” is and the experience one of our listeners had recently. We also answer a listener question concerning a pro wrestler themed beer from California. We also announce the winner of our HOPCLOTH “Drink Beer from Here” shirt contest. So grab a beer and enjoy!
Episode 93 brings back our buddy Kris and we take a walk on the wild side with spontaneous fermented wild beer. Learn about the difference between sour and wild beer and how brewers achieve spontaneous fermentation. We also discuss the aging and blending process required to get that tasty beverage into your glass. Get your update on Trek Brewing and find out the opening date. We are also giving away a HOPCLOTH “Drink Beer from Here” shirt...listen to get the details on how you can enter to win. So grab a beer and enjoy!
It is the season for sickness and in Episode 92 we look at taproom cleanliness and the opportunity for passing harmful bacteria and viruses onto the customer. We also answer the question of whether or not the alcohol in beer can help kill off the common cold or influenza. We also discuss several news articles. So grab a beer and enjoy!
Episode 91 dives into the world of barrel aged beers as Denny and John review the BJCP Specialty Wood Aged style guidelines and John discusses barrel aging and what to expect from Trek Brewing. Denny has a lot of beer activity and highlights a couple Utah breweries and more Israel beer tastings. We also have a ton of listener feedback and great beer conversation. So grab a beer and enjoy!
John and Denny bring in the new year with Episode 90 chatting about some beer trends of 2017 and some possible trends for 2018. John gets a box of whalez and talks about one beer that only uses dry hopping for bittering. Denny continues his holiday partying and finishes off 2017 with a lazy day. Find out about a new application for iOS and Google that can provide you with free beer. We also have a ton of listener feedback and great beer conversation. So grab a beer and enjoy!
In Episode 89 we once again are joined by our buddy Kris to discuss our favorite seasonal beers of 2017. This is the last of our four segments we are doing to celebrate some great beers drank in 2017. We also have a ton of listener feedback that leads to great beer conversation. So grab a beer and enjoy!
In Episode 88 we once again are joined by our buddy Kris to discuss our favorite dark ales of 2017. This is the third of four segments we are doing to celebrate some great beers drank in 2017. We also have a ton of listener feedback that leads to great beer conversation. So grab a beer and enjoy!
In Episode 87 we bring our buddy Kris back to discuss our favorite hoppy beers of 2017. This is the second of four segments we are doing to celebrate some great beers drank in 2017. We also have a ton of listener feedback that leads to great beer conversation. So grab a beer and enjoy!
In Episode 86 we bring our buddy Kris back to discuss our favorite lagers of 2017. This is the first of four segments we are doing to celebrate some great beers drank in 2017. We also talk about “whale” hunting and all the fun to be had while waiting in line. Kris also speaks of his experience being a Secret Hopper and learn how you can get paid to drink beer. So grab a beer and enjoy!
Fall is the perfect time to join us in Episode 85 and learn about the English Barleywine style. We discuss the BJCP style guidelines for the English Barleywine style and Denny talks about a couple great barleywines he drank last week and were cellared for three years. John keeps us updated on the progress of the brewery construction and we also talk about the Brewer’s Association campaign to Take Craft Back. We also announce the winner of our HOPCLOTH “Drink Beer from Here” shirt contest. So grab a beer and enjoy!
We discuss the 2017 Great American Beer Festival and some of the award winning beers and breweries in Episode 84. John keeps us updated on the progress of the brewery construction and Denny talks about some new breweries opening in Boise. We are also giving away a HOPCLOTH “Drink Beer from Here” shirt...listen to get the details on how you can win. So grab a beer and enjoy!
In Episode 83 we take a trip to the hop farm and talk about the experience at Gooding Farms on the Merry Hopsters Bus Tour put on by Bittercreek Alehouse. We also cover the American Lager style guidelines according to the BJCP, as well as a listener provided article concerning an incident where a consumer ingested caustic beer from a bar. So grab a beer and enjoy!
Episode 82 is a short one covering the American Cream Ale style guidelines according to the BJCP. Denny also talks about the third annual 10 Barrel Brewing IPA Beer Wars festival and some noteworthy beers. So grab a beer and enjoy!
In Episode 81 we discuss an article concerning how a new popular Atlanta brewery is handling some criticism on social media. Social media can be a huge benefit to small craft breweries, but it can also help kill your brand if not used responsibly. There is also a lot of beer talk covering beers from across the states as well as more listener top 10 lists. We encourage you to prepare for our listener tasting notes segment in this episode by picking up a bottle of the Founders Dirty Bastard Scotch Ale and tasting along with us.
In Episode 80 we get get a little serious and discuss the dangers of operating a commercial brewery and focus our topic around kettle boil overs. We summarize the story of Kerry Caldwell’s brewery accident told on the Master Brewers Association of America's podcast episode “Breathe, Breathe, Breathe, Scream.” There is also discussion on a few news items as well as some top 10 beer lists from listeners. We encourage you to prepare for our listener tasting notes segment in this episode by picking up a bottle of the Founders Dirty Bastard Scotch Ale and tasting along with us.
In Episode 79 Kris, John and Denny decide to make their own best beer list to share with the community. So find out what beers make the cut and feel free to make your own list and share with us. We also discuss the recent announcement of Short’s Brewing and Lagunitas partnership. We encourage you to prepare for our listener tasting notes segment in this episode by picking up a bottle of the Founders Dirty Bastard Scotch Ale and tasting along with us.