Beer In Front Awards: New Belgium Fat Tire

So I’ll be posting each beer I rate for the 2022 Beer In Front Awards. Visit the website at and the Awards page.

My next beer for judging is probably one of the first craft beers a lot people tried. It is a beer I drank a lot of when I was first on my craft beer journey and my wife for years called it Flat Tire. It is the classic Fat Tire from Colorado brewery New Belgium.

The appearance is a slightly cloudy golden amber with a nice fluffy off white head that stood three fingers high and jetted above the rim of my glass. I gave it a 7 for appearance.

The aroma is all caramel malt and maybe even some toffee. Not all that spectacular so I gave it a 5.

The flavor was much more lackluster than I remembered. It has a watery mouthfeel and was very subdued. Very disappointing and that six pack I bought will be a chore to finish. I’ll probably save it for my wife’s friends that don’t like strong beer flavored beers. I gave it a 3 for taste.

Overall I am rating this a 5 out of 10.


New Brew: Level Crossing Suss It Out Rye IPA


New Brew: OEC Obscura Baltic Porter